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Can I immigrate to the United States on humanitarian grounds?

On Behalf of | Apr 21, 2024 | IMMIGRATION & NATURALIZATION - Immigration

Thousands of people immigrate to the United States every year for various reasons. One way to get a US visa is to demonstrate a need for humanitarian relief.

However, not everybody can qualify for immigration to the United States on humanitarian grounds. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) carefully assesses each case to determine eligibility, considering factors such as the severity of the humanitarian situation, the individual’s personal circumstances and applicable immigration laws and regulations.

What are the humanitarian grounds for humanitarian immigration? If you are seeking to immigrate to the United States on humanitarian grounds, the following are some of the categories under which you may qualify.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

VAWA provides a pathway for certain victims of domestic violence to petition for immigration benefits independently of their abuser. This allows survivors to seek safety and stability in the United States without relying on their abuser for legal status. To qualify under VAWA, individuals must demonstrate that they have been the victim of battery or extreme cruelty by a United States citizen spouse or parent and meet other eligibility requirements outlined by USCIS.

Temporary protected status (TPS)

If your country is experiencing ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster or other extraordinary conditions that prevent its nationals from safely returning, you may qualify for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) in the United States. TPS allows individuals from designated countries to live and work in the US temporarily until conditions in their home country improve. 


You may also be eligible for asylum in the United States if you have suffered persecution or have a genuine fear of persecution in your country on the basis of your race, religion, political opinion or social group membership. Asylum seekers must apply within one year of arriving in the US, although there are exceptions for certain circumstances.

Legal counsel can help you in understanding your eligibility for humanitarian immigration and completing applications, increasing your chances of success.