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Why “chain migration” can boost immigrant families

On Behalf of | Oct 16, 2024 | IMMIGRATION & NATURALIZATION - Family Immigration

In some political circles, the term “chain migration” has taken on a very negative connotation. It has been perceived as endless links in a chain to the United States from faraway nations negatively referred to as “third world.”

But that could not be farther from the truth. Learn more about how family-based immigration can help strengthen hardworking immigrants and their families.

Only U.S. citizens can sponsor family members

Simply having a green card allowing you to work is insufficient to bring your family members into the country. You must be a United States citizen to initiate the process.

It’s only available to a select few family members

The misperception that you can sponsor an endless tide of distant cousins and other quasi-relatives contributes to the negative views of chain migration. Citizens can sponsor spouses and unmarried children, thus giving them green cards to live and work legally here in America. 

Those with the resources and desire to sponsor parents, siblings and married children must endure a process that can last for 10 years or longer.

Family-based immigration benefits new residents

Having the support system of close relatives has an immeasurable positive effect on new American citizens. They receive love and support from their spouses, which allows them to participate fully as a parent to their children. Extended family members can form businesses together, paying all taxes and contributing to the economic growth of their communities.

Do you want to pursue family-based immigration?

Start now. Depending on what happens in November, immigrants could face very different standards and rules. Beginning your process now is a wise move in a time of great political uncertainty.